Tuesday, August 19, 2008


As you have probably already figured out, i have chosen 'psychology' as my theme for my second year of IB art. I will be exploring controversial subjects and the many different, diverse views people have on these subjexts, and tge psycology behind this.

During my summer holiday, i travelled to Bali to research an atirts by the name of Wolfgang Widmoser. I have chosen this artisistto write about in my 4000 word theisis statement. My theisis statement will talk about traditional Balinese art focused on women, aswel as modern Balinese art, and how, aswel as why the portrayal of women through Balinese art has evolved over the past 50 years.

His artworks, are very detailed mostly portrair paintings although he does paint water lillies and various other objects. What i like about his Portrait paintings is each art work is distorted in some way & he only paints women. While in Bali i was able to interview Wolfgang, and he explained to me why he distorts his images. He said simply because it makes my pieces eye capturing, with a much more elegant and unique look, why i find to be very true.


1 comment:

Natalie Kunst said...

I bought a book about Balinese art in the holidays. Come over and borrow it or remind me to bring it in